In Dutch
 |  |
This is a so called extension to
the Tcl/Tk scripting language that provides simple bindings to
QuickTime on the Macintosh and Windows. With just a few lines of code you get access to
the main parts in QuickTime, and can do amazing things without
writing any C code. Every window you see above are made in Tcl/Tk. The
Tcl/Tk language is fairly complete so you can start writing your own
applications. The main features of this package are:
- Simple playback of audio
and video in a movie widget; for instance, play mp3, view VR panoramas,
most video and sound formats, streaming live content from a broadcaster,
shockwave/flash, etc. Remote (URL) connections can be made
- A sequence grabber widget
that previews and captures video and audio from an external source, such as
a web camera or a DV video camera, via the serial port, USB, or
- Editing commands, such as
cut, copy and paste, both on complete movies and down to individual tracks.
Video effects through dialogs.
Versatile methods for making movies from individual images,
supporting sequence compression, usage of all appropriate QT codecs,
compression levels, key frame rate etc.
All available video effects in a single line of code.
- Exporting to a number of
audio/video formats via dialogs.
- Most still image formats are
supported implicitly by QuickTimeTcl but via Tk's own image widget.
...and many more things. The
package is completely integrated into Tcl/Tk so you can use a movie widget
just as any Tk widget.
There are essentially three
components you need here:
- Get Tcl/Tk for Macintosh
or Windows. Get your Windows copy
from, Mac OS X from
or Mac OS 8/9 from
SourceForge. The previous links may not highlight the latest
releases depending on releases made after this is written. Just pick
the latest.
It's best
you aquire some practice in writing Tcl code before you start with
QuickTimeTcl --- it's pretty easy and has a low learning threshold, but
some practice is advocated.
- Get QuickTime from Apple at It is
enough with the free version. You just download the lightweight installer,
and then the installation takes place over the net when running the
There are also stand alone installers at which are
useful if you sit behind a firewall.
- Get QuickTimeTcl from
All platforms require a Tcl/Tk installation version 8.4 or later, and
QuickTime version 5, prerrably 6.4 or later.
Mac OS Classic:
Support for Mac OS 8/9 has ceased with version 3.0.
Tcl/Tk 8.4 is recommended.
Mac OS X:
Mac OS X 10.2.
Developed and tested on Windows 2000. It should work on other versions
(98, XP) as well.
QuickTimeTcl is currently tested and developed with QuickTime 6 (6.4).
Some example code and the result
(note, this is the complete code!):

package require QuickTimeTcl
movie .m -file
pack .m |
package require QuickTimeTcl
movie .m -url ""
pack .m
(on a 28k modem, sorry; fake
url) |   |
package require QuickTimeTcl
movie .m -file
pack .m
movie .n -file giantcow.swf -width 80 \
-height 60 -controller 0
place .n -anchor nw -x 5 -y 5
(one movie running on top of the other;
Pict In Pict) |  |
More examples

Pick the installer for your platform. The installer includes the extension,
html documentation, and a large number of simple example code files to
help you get started. It also includes the complete source code in C.
Macintosh Classic (8 and 9): | |
Mac OS X: | |
Windows: | |
The present version of QuickTimeTcl is 3.1 beta 5 (except for Mac OS
Classic). For more details
see the CHANGES file below.
all releases.
To run the sequence grabber you need a so called vdig component for the
hardware (camera) you are using. This is sadly lacking in many cases on
Windows, but you may try an emulated vdig (WinVdig) from
Abstractplane has an
industrial-strength vdig component for QuickTime on Windows which you
can try.
QuickTimeTcl has its code at SourceForge, and the current state
of the code may be checked out from CVS.
Online manual pages, CHANGES, and README file:
- CHANGES file.
- Online html documentation
(in the default Tcl/Tk html layout):
This package was originally
written by Bruce O'Neel, but later extended by me, Mats. The Window port
contains some small code fragments from Steve Aronson.
Contact me if you have
suggestions, complaints, found any new bugs, or just want to encourage me
in my work.
Mats Bengtsson
© 2000-2005 Mats Bengtsson. |